Friday, May 2, 2008


Well for all of you who are really into polictics you probally know that today is the last day of session. Which means they are going hardcore all day. While I am not really into polictics. actully i despise politicians. This affects me greatly. your probally wondering why. Just turn off the TV!!!! But you see ken works for the florida senate. So he is not allowed to leave untill they finish which no later then midnight. But this sucks for me. In the past years i have just went up to the capital and hung out/watched/goofed off with all the other people. Its a known fact that there is more alchole at the capital on the last day of session then in most bars. LOL So there are a lot of drunk senators (kinda scary hu?) which is really funny to watch. But this year I wont be able to go. I have the children to think about. COhen probally wouldnt sit still. and liam would be very unhappy with it to. Also im sure noone really wants to have two rugrats runnign around. Also cohen could get hurt. There is so many people running around and they do not look where they are going. (when i was pregnent with cohen I almost got ran over) Ken says i shoudl come up there but i dont know if im going to. I love the last day of session i always have so much fun. and its an adrilian rush to have that many people crawling around. I just want to see my hubby. I miss him so much and am sooo happy its friday!!!!

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